Monday, April 4, 2011

April Fool's *semicolon* Office Prankery Part 2

So after the success of the first April Fool's prank of the morning, our office manager and I wanted to see if we could pull off another.

The Target
Jessica (aka Princess)
Sidenote- The Man suggested she needed a bigger computer monitor, so she gets a 42" TV for easy spreadsheet viewing. Contrary to others, her nickname is used with endearment.

The Conspirators

Charlaa came up with the idea of calling Princess and telling her that I received a call form Building Management saying they think her car was broken into. I wasn't sure if she was aware of the first prank of the day so I suggested to Charlaa that she send out an "email" from Building Management. She has everyone's car information, so use it/alter some of it to make the email more legit. I also suggested she put a fake phone number in there to call (like Papa John's or something) so that when she calls to ask about the fate of her car, she'd then realize it was a prank. Miss Charlaa took it a step further and said it would be funnier if Princess went all the way down to the first floor and out to the garage to see her car just as she left it. (Sorry, Princess)

The Email
Not 45 seconds later did I hear Princess, purse in hand and on a mission to kill, and Charlaa close behind. *Lock it up, Taryn. Lock it up!*

Princess: "Guess who was on that hit list?"
Me: "Ooohhh, noooo!"

Charlaa and I wait for her to board the elevator and make her way down before we started cracking up. A few minutes go by and we're wondering where she's at and if she's figured it out yet. A few more minutes go by and now we're getting nervous. Should we call? Did something go wrong? Just as I head to pick up the phone to dial out, it rings. Our company name comes up on the caller ID along with a Houston area code. I remembered she just got a company Blackberry and figured this HAD to be her. I'm already losing my composure as I pick up the receiver. I answered the phone in my normal greeting but it was broken up by a fit of laughter.

Princess: "I'm going to kill you two."
Me: "April Fools!"
Princess: "It is on."

Moments later we hear the elevator ding and see her marching straight towards us with a devious grin on her face. All fun and games until she told us what happened downstairs. Instead of going straight to her car, she stops at the concierge desk in the lobby. We forgot to fill him in on our antics. She asked him how bad it was and he had no idea of what she was talking about. She pulled out her Blackberry to show him the email. He starts panicking and calls his boss. (Yikes!) He reads the email like a telegram.

Concierge: "Colleagues, comma. Urgent message from Building Management, semicolon ... *blah, blah, guts of email, blah, blah* ... sent from Charlaa-"
Princess: "Yeah, no. She works with us."
Concierge: "Sent today, April 1st."

This is when I imagined Princess snatching the phone from the concierge realizing what the day's date meant. She then proceeded to half laugh and half tear up. We then start to hang our heads in shame. We didn't mean to upset her. The thing about picking your target for pranks is you need to make sure they haven't had a string of rough days. We're sorry, Princess!!!!! She then went on to tell us that she was mostly just upset at how little the front desk knew about the slew of faux car break-ins and it was just bad timing. She did give us props for coming up with a great prank though - and warned us to watch our backs. I welcome your revenge, Princess. Bring it on!

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